Women development centre set up at Government College University

LAHORE: In order to facilitate female students for career development, entrepreneurship, online educationand leadership, a state-of-the-art Women Development Centre (WDC) was inaugurated at the Government College University (GCU) Lahore here on Monday.

Punjab Minister forWomen Development AshifaRiaz Fatyana along with Alhamra Arts Council Chairperson Muneeza Hashmi andGCU Vice Chancellor Prof DrAsghar Zaidi inaugurated thecentre established at the University’s Faiz Hall with support from Women Development Department, Punjab.

Muneeza Hashmi donatedthe portraits of Pakistaniwomen that influenced theworld of art and culture tothe centre. These portraitswere put on display at the inauguration ceremony.

Speaking on the occasion,Ashifa Riaz Fatyana said lastyear, they decided to establish women developmentcentres in universities acrossPunjab, and GCU has taken alead in this regard.

“Suchcentres would also be established in 18 other universitiesin the province for whichmemorandums of understandings (MoUs) have already been signed with 14universities,” she said.

Prof Dr Asghar Zaidi saidthe GCU-WDC would be arole model for other universities as it has already startedtaking initiatives to raiseawareness among womenabout their political, economic, social and legal rights.

He said that the GCU-WDCwas holding a series of grandevents this InternationalWomen’s Day 2022 to celebrate women on its campus.

“These two-day celebrations began with a seminaron “social and legal aspectsof workplace harassmentand property rights ofwomen in Pakistan” addressed by OmbudspersonPunjab Nabila Khan,” ProfZaidi added. The VC revealedthat the WDC is also holdingthe First Women Mushairaon the campus besides hosting an exhibition by femaleentrepreneurs.

Source: The News