Woman tortured to death by her husband, his first wife

SAHIWAL: Police booked a man and his first wife for allegedly torturing his second wife to death at 190/9A-L village of Harrapa on Tuesday night.

Akhter Khan, Harrapa Station House Officer, said Asif, a resident of 190/9A-L village had married Safia Bibi some five years back.

Last year, Asif developed relations with another woman, Sajida, who later eloped with him and they contracted marriage. After the marriage, Asif brought Sajida to the same house where his first wife lived.

Sajida’s father Ghulam Farid did not approve of his daughter’s marriage with Asif and through a local panchayat (village jury), he brought her back from her husband’s house.

However, after a couple of days, Sajida contacted police and told them that her life was in danger as she feared her father would kill her in the name of honour for eloping with Asif and marrying of her free will. On her request, she was moved to Darul Aman (state-owned shelter for women).

However, a week back Asif managed to bring Sajida back to his house in the village, but his first wife Safia Bibi did not like Sajida’s presence there.

Locals told police that on Tuesday night Safia, Asif and Sajida quarreled over some issue and the husband and his first wife severely tortured Sajida with a bamboo stick, leaving her dead on the spot.

Meanwhile, Asif and Safia managed to escape for fear of being arrested.

The police, after registering a murder case against the couple, started looking for them.

Source: Dawn