Woman seeks protection against husband

LAHORE,January 13,2005: Ms Shaheena Qazi, the daughter of late Gen Shamim Alam and the wife of Maj Aamer Qazi, has approached the Lahore High Court with the request that a criminal case be registered against her husband who , she alleged, wanted to kill her to take control of her property worth about Rs1.5 billion.

Through a writ petition, moved by her counsel Asma Jahangir, the petitioner stated that her husband got her lodged in the Pakistan Institute of Mental Health for about four months in August last year where she was administered medicine and injections to mentally retard her.

She said she was forcibly brought from Rawalpindi to Lahore after her husband had injected some medicine in her spine. The court issued notices to Maj Aamer Qazi, directing him to appear on Jan 19 with a reply to the charges contained in the petition.

Ms Qazi was produced before Justice Sheikh Abdur Rashid under a court order on Dec 13 in the process of another writ petition moved by Sarah Mahmood, the wife of Lt-Col Sardar Sikandar Mahmood Khan, who claimed that she was a childhood friend of the ‘detenue’ and became apprehensive of her going missing.

The court ordered her release and observed that she seemed to be normal and mentally fit. Later, she preferred to be lodged at the Dastak, an institution for destitute women, because she feared that she might be killed by her husband.

The petitioner also alleged that the lunatic asylum executive director, Brig Saeed Akhtar (retired), consultant psychiatrist G.H. Saqib Kyani and Dr Samina Zubair were in collusion with her husband in administering such a treatment on her that made her mentally retarded.

She submitted that the conspiracy to kill her surfaced when the PIMH doctors declared that she was suffering from a mental disorder. All the four, she alleged, had colluded for having share in her property and the fact was established when she came to know that her husband had appropriated Rs100,000 of her income during her stay in the asylum.

According to Ms Qazi, her 28-year daughter, Sharmeen, had to leave for the US for studies when she feared that she would be killed by her father. She stated that no one from her relatives and friends was allowed to see her in the health institution except once when her cousin came.

Once her husband also came to see her and refused to discuss matters relating to her release from the lunatic asylum, she added. Through an earlier writ petition, Sarah Mahmood submitted that Mr Qazi had told her that his wife had left for the US.
Source: Dawn

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