WCS concerned over domestic violence

Karachi (PPI) – Women Commission Sindh President Attiya Nisar Sunday expressed grave concern over growing domestic violence and demanded protection to women from this menace.
Addressing an Eid Millan party organized by the Women Commission Sindh, she said her forum would continue to strive for realisation of due rights of women and giving them their due status in society. She regretted that vested interests were trying to introduce a culture of obscenity and vulgarity in the society by misusing print and electronic media. She said that these evil forces were busy in brainwashing of Pakistani youth. Attiya Nisar charged that these programs were patronized by the present rulers, who wanted to change the Islamic values and ideological identity of Pakistan.She said that no religion in the world had granted more rights to women than Islam. She said that the so-called champions of women’s rights were exploiting the women by degrading them to the level of a marketable commodity.
Source: The Nation

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