Wahab for deciding sexual harassment cases within 90 days

Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC) Administrator Barrister Murtaza Wahab, who also serves as the Sindh government spokesman and adviser to the chief minister on law, on Saturday said sexual harassment cases should be decided within 90 days.

“Cases of sexual harassment are increasing due to late verdicts. The judiciary, civil society and government must come to a consensus on this issue as soon as possible,” he said while addressing a seminar under the UN Women’s Programme at a hotel.

“I would like to tell you today that as a woman, my mother trained me very well because my father passed away when I was 19 years old,” the KMC administrator said. “My grandmother gave my mother good education and training which made all this possible.”

Wahab recalled that his father’s early death made his mother empowered financially and administratively and that was what she passed on to him. When a woman was empowered, she trained her children in a way that suits her, he added.

He remarked that a woman should be empowered so that she could decide for herself what she should do, and not let the elders of the house try to impose their decisions on her.

“When a woman is empowered, she will be able to lead her home in the right way,” he said. “Only a woman can change our society because a woman’s lap is the child’s first school.”

The KMC administrator said it had been observed in both the rural and urban areas that women were empowered in some cases but in some places they were ignored and their decisions were not taken into account. “We must give women due respect and acknowledge their decisions,” he said.

Source: The News