Teenage girl gang raped in Rawalpindi

RAWALPINDI: A 15-year-old orphan girl was allegedly abducted and raped by four men in the Civil Lines police station area of Rawalpindi.

Details of the haunting case reveal that the assaulters allegedly posed as suitors to lure the victim, A, then made explicit images and videos of her after intoxicating her. They then proceeded to blackmail and threaten the mother of the victim. The police have registered a case but the perpetrators have not yet been apprehended.

The case was reported by M from Kamalabad, who reported that her 15-year-old daughter was deceived by a boy named Zahid Ali, who she had befriend over the phone. She alleged that Zahid had lured the victim to come to his house with the promise that he would marry her.

M, along with her other daughter were out when A packed up five tolas of jewellery and some clothes to leave the house. Zahid, and his friend Osama, came to pick her up in a white car, and took her to a house in Shani Colony, where two men and a woman were already present. M said that the victim would be able to identify these individuals if they are brought before her.

Zahid Ali and Osama, along with two unidentified individuals, forcibly confined her daughter inside a room, and restrained her hands and feet. After which they administered an intoxicating drink which caused her to become unconscious. The four men then subsequently sexually assaulted her, while Zahid and Osama captured indecent images and videos of her.

The victim was reported to have been raped for five hours. In the meantime, M, the victim’s mother said that she was relentlessly searching for her daughter. Based on her suspicions, she visited Zahid Ali’s residence, where his brother Khurram made a phone call. He informed M that her daughter was present at a house located on street no. 1, Shani Colony.

M immediately rushed to the location in a rickshaw. She reached the location around 1 am, where she found her daughter lying unconscious; her clothes stained with blood. M then took her daughter to Rawalpindi CMH, where she received urgent medical attention and was admitted for treatment.

“I am a poor widow, I remained silent due to her honour and from fear of the accused. However, the perpetrators are now threatening to release indecent photos and videos of my daughter if we dare to speak out or file a report,” said the victim’s mother.

She also reported that the accused have her daughter’s mobile phone, jewellery and other possessions. Due to the brutality of the accused, the victim remained in a state of semi-consciousness, suffering excruciating pain. Since regaining consciousness, she too has shared details of the incident with the police.

“My daughter has been subjected to extreme cruelty and abuse by the accused. Perpetrators should be held accountable for their heinous crimes after taking legal action against them,” said M.

Police officials said that they have registered a case and started the investigation. Raids are underway to arrest the accused.

Source: Express Tribune