Teenage girl gang raped

TAXILA: A teenage girl was allegedly gang raped by three men in the jurisdiction of Wah Saddar police station. The victim’s father, resident of Nawababad Wah Cantt, reported to police that the suspects contacted his 14-year-old daughter through social media and threatened to put up objectionable pictures of her online.

In his first information report (FIR), he added that due to fear, his daughter went to meet the suspects who abducted her, kept her in illegal confinement for three days during which they gang raped her. Later, somehow she managed to escape, reached home and narrated her ordeal.

Subsequently, the victim was taken to Wah Saddar police station and after medical examination at Tehsil Headquarters (THQ) Hospital, it was confirmed that she was raped. A case has been registered against the nominated suspects and a hunt has been launched for their arrest.

Newspaper: Dawn