Teenage girl found dead at home

SAHIWAL: A 15-year-old girl was mysteriously found dead in the courtyard of her house at Chak 95/12-L on Sunday. According to Shah Kot police, Amina,...

Man held for trying to kill three daughters

The police said the suspect was ‘forcibly’ giving the poison to his children when the neighbours heard their screams and informed the police, who rushed...

Man held for attempted rape of minor girl

Police on Sunday arrested a suspect for allegedly trying to sexually assault an eight-year-old girl in Shah Faisal Colony. Officials said the minor is a...

Man arrested after wife found dead

RAWALPINDI: Wife of the son of a property tycoon, the late Taji Khokhar, was found dead hanging by a ceiling fan on Sunday. The Gulzar-e-Qaed...