Nadra centres encouraging women registration

ISLAMABAD: The exclusive centres for women registration in different cities are encouraging them to apply for CNICs and helping the authorities to have more accurate data to facilitate policy makers in decision making.

The National Database and Registration Authority (Nadra) has established 14 such centres due to which a sharp increase has been observed in the registration of women.

Deputy Chairman of Nadra Tariq Malik told APP on Monday that around 80 percent of women adult population has been registered so far.

The basic objective of these centres is not only to enhance women registration in a minimum possible time but also to facilitate them in getting education, health, employment and other facilities including elections, he added.

He said the centres in Lahore, Rawalpindi, Sialkot, Mardan and in some other cities were already functional while the latest one had been inaugurated in Tala Gang.

He said the authority had also taken the initiative that all Fridays will be exclusive for female registration days in all the Nadra Swift Registration Centres (NSRCs) across the country to encourage women registration and make the process absolutely comfortable by not entertaining any men on that day.

Highlighting the other efforts, Tariq Malik said that the Authority had also dedicated its mobile registration units across the country to encourage women registration.

The Deputy Chairman said Computerised National Identity Card (CNIC) is an essential identity document which protects women’s rights.

It is evident through the fact that first time in the history their rights were safeguarded when women in flood hit areas were issued “Watan Cards” as family head by Nadra to obtain financial assistance and it also never occurred in the world ever.
Source: Business Recorder

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