Minor girl, woman killed after rape

Karachi: With the cases of rape witnessing a sharp rise in the past few months, a seven-year-old girl was raped and then strangulated while an unidentified woman was raped and her body was cut into two in separate incidents on Wednesday.

Zianab, the seven-year-old daughter of a fruit vendor, went missing on Tuesday evening. Her father, Jamshed, said that the last time he saw her was when she visited his fruit stall, a few metres from their house in Husain Hazara Goth. After giving her some fruit, Jamshed asked Zainab to go home. But when he reached home later, the girl was not there. He searched for her for the rest of the evening, but in vain. Disappointed, he reported the matter to the Gulistan-e-Jauhar police.

The police found Zainab’s body in bushes in Sikander Goth, Al-Asif Square on Wednesday. According to doctors, the girl was sexually abused and later strangulated to death.

According to data collected by WAR, 41 cases of rape were reported from January to June last year, and the number of younger children being assaulted is on an alarming rise. The report reveals that 27 percent of the rape cases in this period involve children aged between six and eleven years.

Meanwhile, in less than a week, the second headless body of a woman was found in a sack thrown in Hill Park, with doctors confirming that she was raped before being murdered.

Some people on a morning walk informed the police when they discovered two abandoned sacks in the park. Upon inspection, the police found that one bag contained a woman’s body cut into four pieces and the other had some clothes and a stitching machine.

The body was shifted to the JPMC for legal formalities. The medico-legal officer (MLO) said the woman was raped before being killed.

Police sources said that the head of the woman, who seemed to be in her mid-twenties, had been severed from the body in an attempt to hide her identity.

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