Man stabbed his wife and sister

 A man stabbed his wife and critically injured his sister in village 118/12-L, Chichawatni, late on Sunday. Amjad Hussain, Kasowal station house officer, said suspect Waseem, who works in Wapda Town, Lahore, married Iram two years ago, and the couple has two children. Waseem’s family resides in their village home along with his unmarried sister.

Villagers informed the police that Waseem harboured suspicions about his wife’s character. He had previously warned his sister Shamim and his wife to change their behaviour. Two days ago, Waseem allegedly saw a viral mobile video on social media in which he saw his wife with a man. He returned home secretly at night and attacked both women while they were sleeping in the house’s courtyard. Believing both were dead, he fled.

Shamim survived the attack and was rushed to the Chichawatni Tehsil Headquarters Hospital in Chichawatni, from where she was referred to Sahiwal Teaching Hospital. Police reports said that both Iram and Shamim sustained multiple knife injuries to the upper parts of their bodies.

Source: Dawn