Man sentenced to death for child rape

A session’s court on Monday sentenced a man to death after finding him guilty of raping a child.

Zainul Abideen was convicted for raping a six-year-old girl in the Saeedabad neighborhood in 2015. The additional district and session’s judge West, Gada Hussain Abro, also awarded the convict a fine of Rs500, 000, which in case of default will be turned into additional imprisonment. The judge observed that the convict committed a heinous act and should be dealt in an exemplary manner to warn other perpetrators about the consequences of their crimes.

He added that the despicable incident destroyed the life of the victim as well as her family and caused a fear and deep insecurity in society. In January, the same court had sentenced a man to death for raping a friend of his daughter at his house three years ago.

The victim was 12-year-old then and had gone to her friend’s place for studying, according to the prosecution. The father of the victim was also present in the courtroom when the verdict was pronounced. He expressed his satisfaction at the conviction.

He said, “My daughter has not yet coped with the trauma and gets frightened even when I go near her.” The incident had occurred within the jurisdiction of the Manghopir police station in 2018.

Newspaper: The News