Man kills wife, two daughters

TOBA TEK SINGH: A man, identified as Abid Hussain, 48, shot at and injured his two daughters, Noorul Ain, 23, and Eisha, 22, and his wife, Shagufta Bibi, 45, before taking his own life in Sheikhupura on Wednesday.

The daughters succumbed to their injuries at the scene, while the couple was shifted to the Sheikhupura DHQ hospital, where they also died from their injuries.

According to relatives, the couple had a history of domestic disputes.

encounter: Alleged gunman Ashraf was killed and constable Ali Cheema was injured in an encounter with Mansoorabad police on Sheikhupura Road, near Sabina Town, on Wednesday.

Police said a Dolphin Force team signalled the suspects to stop during a snap checking, but they opened fire, injuring Constable Cheema.

Police returned the fire, and when the firing stopped, they found Ashraf dead, while his two accomplices had fled.

Ashraf was a notorious criminal with a record at police stations in Faisalabad and Attock.

Police said he was hit by bullets fired by his own accomplices.

Source: Dawn