Man kills wife, injures mother

A man killed his wife and critically injured his mother with a bamboo over continuous fighting between them at village 2/10-L on Wednesday and managed his escape.

Reports said Sawera of Chak 9/11-L married Amin, a resident of 2/10-L, nine months ago. Sawera lived with her husband and mother-in-law Bhagan. However, there was an ongoing conflict between Bhagan and Sawera. Amin had repeatedly advised both women to live peacefully, but the disputes persisted.

On Wednesday, a fight broke out between the two women. Amin got enraged and grabbed a bamboo stick and began beating his wife and mother in the courtyard of the house. When both women fell down because of heavy bleeding from the head and other body parts, Amin fled away on the arrival of neighbours and villagers.

The women were rushed to Sahiwal Teaching Hospital in a critical condition where Sawera succumbed to her injuries. Hospital sources said Bhagan’s condition is also critical.

The Harappa police have registered a murder case under sections 302 and 324 of PPC on the complaint of Sawera’s father Sadiq.

CTD: The Counter Terrorism Department (CTD) arrested on Tuesday night a member of a banned outfit in an intelligence-based operation near Kishti Chowk, Tariq Bin Ziyad Colony.

The operation was conducted by the CTD and law-enforcement agencies personnel. The CTD recovered hate-based material including books on Jihad, pamphlets and stickers having Tehreek-i-Taliban, Al Khwarij group, monogram, and flag. The arrested person was identified as Amanullah, of Pir Adil, DG Khan.

The CTD booked Amanullah under 11-F(2), 11-W(2), and Section 9 of the Anti-Terrorism Act-1997 on the complaint of Inspector Gulzar.

Source: Dawn