Man involved in rape, murder of girl arrested

Bahawalpur: At the directives of DPO Bahawalpur Sohaib Ashraf, DSP City Circle Shafqat Ata and SHO Baghdad Al-Jadeed police station Azam Kallo arrested a man accused of raping and killing a three-year-old girl, According to details, the accused had managed to escape after the horrific incident of raping and killing a three-year-old girl in Musa Colony area of Baghdad-ul-Jadeed police station in Bahawalpur two days ago.  Taking notice of the incident, DPO Sohaib Ashraf had assigned DSP City Circle Shafqat Atta and SHO Baghdad-ul-Jadeed police station to arrest the accused soon. Accused namely Noor Nawaz was arrested in 48 hours by the police.  According to police, the accused confessed his crime. The police have remanded the accused in court and further investigation is underway. DPO Sohaib Ashraf also congratulated DSP City Circle and Baghdad Al-Jadeed police station on the timely action and arresting the accused.

Newspaper: Nation