Free medical camp for women in Orangi

KARACHI: Bait-ul-Sukoon, a cancer hospital, is organising a free medical clinic to diagnose breast cancer among women of above 20 years in Orangi area of Karachi city on October 30, 2011.

Bait-ul-Sukoon is taking this initiative of free breast screening clinic with the help of a reputed pharmaceutical company, Sanofi Aventis Pakistan Ltd, which is going to bear the complete cost of the free clinic and screening tests, which otherwise is too expensive for patients from this area.

“The free clinic will be held at Al-Khidmat Hospital located in Orangi Town No 1, Karachi on Sunday October 30th with the aim to diagnose breast cancer among women at early stages, so the treatment of the patients can be started without delay for effective cure from the fatal disease,” this was stated by Medical Director at Bait-ul-Sukoon, Dr Jawaid Malice.
Source: Business Recorder

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