Attempt to kidnap college girl foiled by citizens

DADU: One suspect was arrested and a hunt for his three associates was started after they allegedly hit a college van and tried to kidnap a girl, who was on her way back home, in Sakrand town of Shaheed Benazirabad district on Thursday.

Reports reaching here from the area suggested that four armed suspects, riding a Vigo car, hit the college van to force it to stop and then tried to kidnap an HSC-II student at gunpoint.

However, the girl raised a hue and cry drawing attention of a number of people, who intervened and rescued her. The suspects, said to be members of some influential families, sped away by their car.

The girl’s uncle lodged an FIR against the suspects at the Sakrand police station stating that his niece was returning home by a van from Govt Girls Degree College, Sakrand, when the suspects tried to kidnap her. He shared details of the incident with the police as narrated by the girl. He claimed that his niece was injured when the van was hit by the Vigo car.

The police moved into action and arrested one of the four nominated suspects and started a hunt for the others, according to Nawabshah SSP Amir Saud Magsi.

Source: Dawn