NCHR alarmed over rising number of honour killings

QUETTA: Alarmed over the increasing number of honour killing cases, besides other issues, a member of the National Commission for Human Rights (NCHR), Balochistan, Fazila Alyani sought the help of the police department to bring improvement to the situation.

In a meeting with additional inspector general (AIG) Counter Terrorism, Ms Alyani discussed the honour killing issue in detail. She asked the police to evolve a coordination mechanism in collaboration with the NCHR for the reporting of honour killing cases.

“Increasing cases of honour killing in Balochistan is alarming and there should be a mechanism to discourage such incidents by adopting strict measures,” Ms Alyani said.

Officials ensured that the police department would extend help and cooperation to the NCHR in this regard.

Ms Alyani during her visit to Quetta also met members of the Hindu and Chri­stian communities in Mastung and discussed the issues they were facing.

She in a meeting with Human Rights Commission of Pakistan activists expressed concern and assured that she would resolve the human rights issues on priority.

In another discussion, officials of the health department drew attention of Ms Alyani to the increasing number of hepatitis cases with the underprivileged bearing the brunt of the disease. It was suggested to give special attention to this issue.

Chairperson of the Standing Committee of Balochistan Assembly on Human Rights William Jan Barkat and member of the Standing Committee on Human Rights Kishwar Jattak visited the NCHR office and briefed Ms Alyani on human rights bills passed by the Balochistan Assembly, so far.

Ms Alyani visited Darul Aman Quetta and assured to resolve the problems, women at the shelter were facing.


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