Child rape convict sentenced

MULTAN: Additional Sessions Judge Iqbal Dogar on Thursday sentenced a prayer leader for 10 years imprisonment and fined him Rs100,000 for raping a girl at his seminary.

The prosecution said that 45-year-old Muhammad Amin, a prayer leader from Hasilpur had opened a seminary at the mosque in 2010.

They said he was accused of raping a 10-year-old girl one morning when she went for lessons. They said Amin had fled after the incident and gone underground.

They said he was arrested in 2012. Allah Baksh*, the victim’s father, told newsmen that he had been expecting a life imprisonment sentence for Amin. “He ruined my child,” he said. “Four years later, she still has not recovered from the trauma she suffered.” He said he feared for other children and their parents once Amin was set free. He said he had trusted Amin as he had promised to be a good teacher to his daughter.

“How can anyone guarantee that he won’t do the same thing again?” He said he was a daily wage worker and had had to move to Multan after the incident because it became had to live in the area.

He said nearly 80 children had left the seminary after his daughter was raped.

Express Tribune

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