Another acid attack


According to the Acid Survivor Foundation (ASF), some 84 women have been disfigured by acid in Pakistan this year alone. The latest attack has been on a woman named Rozina who was maimed horribly by her ex-husband after she petitioned for divorce. The disgruntled man and his mother mercilessly threw acid on her face and chest, leaving her with horrible burns. No doubt, this woman will be scarred, both physically and mentally, for the rest of her life.

The accused have run away and an FIR has been lodged against them. However, I am quite positive that nothing will be done to get poor Rozina justice. This is the second case of acid attack this week alone in Peshawar. It is urged that everything be done to capture the latest culprits so that they be made an example of. The only punishment I can think of for such low lives is doing the same to them as what they did with Rozina.

Daily Times

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