Survey on violence against women in year 2006-facts and figures

KARACHI: Women in Pakistan are continuously subjected to violence as the judiciary turns a blind eye to their plight. Traditional customs, domestic disputes are among the major reasons for violence against women.

According to a survey conducted by Daily Times, the facts and figures given by Madadgar, Aurat Foundation, Gender of Justice and Women’s Trust revealed that 11,703 Pakistani women became victims of violence in 2006.

Number of women who committed suicide. Sindh had the highest casualty with 385 women who committed suicide, followed by Punjab where 358 women committed suicide, while 66 women in NWFP and 13 in Balochistan died in cases of suicide.

Number of women murdered. In Punjab, 647 women were killed, followed by Sindh where 412 women were murdered. NWFP was witness to the killing of 206 women while 23 women were killed in Balochistan.

Number of honour killing cases reported. Sindh registered 458 cases while Punjab registered 264. NWFP filed 43 cases and Balochistan filed 27. In Karachi alone, 37 women were killed in the name
of honour.

Number of cases where women were sold against murders committed. In Punjab, 53 women were used to settle disputes such as these, while 33 women met the same fate in Sindh, 7 in NWFP and 26 in Balochistan.

Number of women burnt to death as a result of family feuds. As many as 92 of these women belonged to Punjab, while 87 were residents of Sindh and 12 were from NWFP. Only 1 woman in Balochistan died as a result of immolation.

Number of women who were tortured for various reasons. The highest number of women who were tortured belonged to Punjab and amounted to 4,457. Sindh was second in the list with 2,415 women being subjected to torture, while 522 women were tortured in NWFP and 140 belonged to Balochistan.

Number of sexual harassment cases reported. Punjab reported 358 cases, Sindh reported 88, NWFP reported 22 and Balochistan reported 13.

Number of gang-rapes reported. Of these women, 194 were raped in Punjab, 58 in Sindh, 6 in NWFP and 1 in Balochistan. There were 9 women gang-raped in Karachi alone.

Number of women killed to avenge family feuds. As many as 13 were killed in Punjab and the remaining 7 from Sindh. No such cases were reported from other parts of the country.

Number of women who suffered harassment or were tortured by the police. Punjab reported 89 cases, while Sindh reported 81, with 20 in Karachi, and NWFP reported 25. Only 1 case was reported in Balochistan.

Source: Daily Times


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