Bride hurt, teenaged cousin shot dead

LARKANA, Jan 20: A man seriously injured his bride on the first day of their marriage and shot dead her 13-year-old cousin on the pretext of karo-kari near Shahdadkot on Saturday.

The bridegroom Mian Bakhsh alias Meenhoon Khan Chandio fired on his bride Irshad Khatoon and assuming her dead rushed out the home to kill her cousin.
He found Hubdar Chandio, 13, when he was returning from a nearby village and shot him dead.
The bride was admitted to Chandka Medical College Hospital in critical condition.
The bridegroom alleged after he was arrested with murder weapon that his wife’s virginity was not intact. Sanjjar Bhatti police station have filed an FIR on the compliant of Ayaz Chandio, late Hubdar’s brother, against Mian Bakhsh, Sabz Ali and Shah Mohammed.

Source: Dawn


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