Body of newborn girl found

KARACHI: The body of a newborn baby girl was found on an empty plot in the Korangi area on Friday, according to the Chhipa Welfare Association.

The charity said passers-by spotted a suspicious-looking bag in Korangi 2½ and contacted the area police who then passed on the information to their volunteers.

“The body was moved to the Chhipa centre and, after due formalities, buried in a graveyard,” said a Chhipa official. He, however, said there were no legal formalities by the police nor was the charity service asked to give any details.

Only last Tuesday five female foetuses were found in a Manzoor Colony garbage dump. Aged between five and nine months, the foetuses weighed 300 grams, 314gms, 325gms, 365gms and 392gms and were preserved in formalin.

Source: Dawn

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