International Women’s Day

HYDERABAD: Rallies, demonstrations and seminars organized by various NGOs here on Friday on the occasion of International Women Day falling have demanded equal rights for women, as without their participation the country could not progress farther.

The Green Rural Development Organisation arranged a seminar, while the Centre for Peoples Empowerment and Equality and other NGOs took out rallies and held demonstrations to observe the day. A large number of women participated in the rallies and seminars.

Ms Nasreen Shakeel led the CPEE rally, which was participated by large number of women who were carrying banners depicting the atrocities being committed against women. The speakers including Nasreen Shakeel, Mubina Khanum, Ilyas Khokhar, Shabana Khan, M Parlash and others said the country couldn’t advance without the participation of women, who form more than half the population.
They said the country was in grip of various problems including the age-old custom of karo-kari, unmatched marriages, violence on women etc. They hoped new the government would realize the situation and would give more weight to the women’s voice.

They demanded jobs for women and bank credits for rural women so they could stand on their own feet.

A working women’s assembly was organized here by Green Rural Development Organization which was also attended by hundreds of working and non working women. Among those who attended were agriculture workers, kiln workers, domestic workers, health workers, councilors etc.
Ms. Parween Soomro president of GRDO chaired the assembly while Ms. Nazeer Qureshi
Chairperson of Sindhiani Tehrik, M. Shabbana Khan of PPP, Nasreen Shakeel peasant leader, Dr.Hyder, Qamar Shaikh addressed the seminar. The assembly asked for equal opportunities and wages for women workers. It demanded to abolish bonded labor most victims of which are women and children. PPI
Source: Daily Times

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