Month: September 2013

Forensic tests to be done in rape case

By: NASIR IQBAL ISLAMABAD: Punjab police have widened their investigation into the rape of a five-year-old girl in Lahore and collected swabs for forensic analysis...

Raping a child

Appalling as it may be to confront as a reality, children are raped with disturbing frequency in Pakistan. Hard accurate data is difficult to obtain...

By force: All knotted up, nowhere to go

By: Maha Mussadaq ISLAMABAD: “One day, when my smart phone caught nearby Wi-Fi signals, I knew this was my only chance to ask for help,”...

Trainee nurse injured in acid attack

BHAKKAR: A trainee nurse was injured in an acid attack here on Friday. Ainee Khan, daughter of Ajmal Khan of Dulewala, was returning to the...

Women role in developing modern literature projected

ISLAMABAD: A very informative and enlightened lecture titled “Modern Persian Fiction Literature” was arranged by the Department of Persian Language and Literature in collaboration with...