Month: November 2012

Honour killing as way of life

A mother in Azad Kashmir has joined her husband in killing their 15-year-old daughter by dousing her with acid after seeing her talking to a...

Women to Pakistan’s rescue

By: Shahid Javed Burki The writer is a former vice-president of the World Bank and a former caretaker finance minister of Pakistan Often, it is...

Our gaping gender disparities

By: Syed Mohammad Ali The Malala incident provided stark illustration of the distorted mindset, which seeks to supress half the population in our country, while...

Three women killed over Karo-Kari

SUKKUR: The ugly tradition of Karo- Kari claimed three more lives in Sukkur on Sunday. Police said an accused Waheed Sheikh in Shah Jo Bhello...

Maryam talks of steps to empower women

LAHORE: A delegation, led by Political Consular of British High Commission Susan Hyland, called on PML-N leader Maryam Nawaz here Saturday. During the meeting, matters...