Month: February 2009

Man kills wife

Quetta: A man killed his wife under pretext of Karo-Kari (honour killing) in Usta Muhammad area Balochistan on Tuesday. According to police, a resident of...

CJ takes suo motu notice of girl’s killing

ISLAMABAD – Chief Justice of Pakistan Abdul Hameed Dogar has taken suo motu notice on a news reportregarding the brutal murder of an eight-year-old innocent...

Mutilated bodies of two women found in Khyber

By Ibrahim Shinwari LANDI KOTAL: The mutilated bodies of two unidentified women were found near Landi Kotal in Khyber tribal region on Tuesday. Authorities buried...

Women decide to fight back

By Zubeida Mustafa FOR the Women’s Action Forum, 2008 was a landmark year. Three new chapters were launched in Hyderabad, Sukkur and Khairpur. To celebrate...