Month: September 2008

Jirga orders killing of woman

DADU, Sept 8: A jirga in Sehwan has ordered the killing of a woman allegedly involved in karo-kari. The jirga, presided over by a local...

MPA gets bail in karo-kari case

KARACHI, Sept 8: The Chief Justice of the Sindh High Court, Anwar Zaheer Jamali, on Monday confirmed the pre-arrest bail of MPA Abid Hussain Jatoi...

Six Pakistani women

Is it true that Pakistanis find it easier to condemn those unlawful and gruesome acts committed by a defiant superpower than those committed by Pakistani...

APHR voices concern over burial of women alive

PESHAWAR: The Alliance for Protection of Human Rights (APHR) has expressed concern over the burial of five women alive in Balochistan. During a meeting, attended...