Month: April 2005

The invisible woman

Afiya Shehrbano One of the best descriptions of a liberal can be summed up in these lines: “The problem with sitting on the fence too...

PPF Journalism Training Workshop, Hyderabad

Date: April 10, 2005 Location: Latifabad Pakistan Press Foundation (PPF) organized a Journalism Training Workshop at Latifabad; district Hyderabad, for local journalists and educated women...

Need for Islamic media urged

PESHAWAR, April 10, 2005: Speakers at the launching ceremony of monthly magazine “Nida-ul-Islam” stressed the need of a powerful Islamic media not only to counter...

Marathon without women tomorrow

AHAWALPUR, April 8,2005: A mini-marathon without women’s participation will be organized here on Saturday (tomorrow). The mini-marathon will be held in four phases which have...